Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Tot School- january week 2

21 months

Tot School

Gluing Practice! Color Identification!

(used an old OJ box....i let him decide what he wanted to do as we went along, so grass became flowers and the feathers to represent birds never made it on there bc he didn't like their texture!- great for following directions, enforcing 'lines', and letting child make own decisions on where to put things, colors


Pretend Play: making airplanes with sticks (crossing two sticks together and flying them around...this is something he remembers doing in music class with bigger sticks)


Fine Motor Skills and Color ID: choosing a color stick out of the bag and placing it in one of two bottles, naming what color and which bottle he has chosen...


Lacing Beads! Great Fine motor skill activity, color enforcement, and improving attention span....i found that when he successfully held a bead and pulled the string through all by himself, he was so proud of himself and the encouragment provided was definitely helpful, but he recognized on his own, his success.


Letter Fun...Somewhere New: take letter fun outside, we had a little snow left on the driveway, so we used chalk to write and identify letters- well, i wrote letters, he id'd them and scribbled around...he has started scribbling, calling out a letter, thinking he has written it though! good try, buddy!


1 comment:

  1. My daughter is 20 months old and I was contemplating getting her some lacing beads to try out. Neat to hear that your little one can do it. Also, there are quite a few that link up to Tot School now in the 16-22 month range. They all have some great ideas!
